Continuing with the "it's been a while" theme, I recently attended an event I hadn't been able to make for the last 13 years.

From the late 80's through 2003, late January brought the annual pilgrimage to the Rolex 24 at Daytona sports car race.  Camping in the infield of Daytona International Speedway with my father and friends is one of my strongest memories of my youth.  The sights and sounds of the exotic cars, mixed with the party among the other spectators are forever ingrained in my mind.

Me, Chris, and Eric at the Rolex 24 at Daytona around 1989

Me, Chris, and Eric at the Rolex 24 at Daytona around 1989

Life eventually kept me away from the annual event.  Our time in Kuwait and later, Hawaii made the trip impractical since 2003.  This year, I decided I could be kept away no longer and flew to Florida, met up with my childhood friend Chris, and enjoyed a long motorsports weekend.  

Naturally I had to bring my camera to capture some of the action.