Thank you to everyone for the incredible love and support you’ve shown us the last couple days.  The comments here, in addition to the many private messages, phone calls, texts, comments on FB, have overwhelmed our family.  All I can really say is a very humble “thank you.”

We still have a ways to go as her course of treatment is scheduled to run for a few more weeks but Raquel and I have learned that we’re not alone in this fight.  So many people have rallied to the cause to offer whatever support they can and for that we are eternally grateful. 

I want to ask that you share our story.  Please feel free to repost on your own pages, talk about it with friends, do whatever you can help others in need.

I recently attended the annual VFW National Convention in Pittsburgh PA, and in his address to the audience President Obama said that “it’s time to end the stigma and shame around mental health issues.  Every American can help by learning the five signs that someone may be hurting so we can all reach out.  We need to be there for them 100 percent.  We’ve all got a role to play.”

He’s right.  It’s time.  

This is who we are.  We’re not ashamed of it.  We need help, and others do too.
