A post with two titles.

Earlier in the week our little guy, Christopher, had a field trip to Oahu's Sea Life Park with his pre-school class.  Not wanting to let him have all the fun, we made a full family day out of it bringing Robert as well.

In addition to the awesome family time, the trip reminded me just how much I love our new Fujifilm X-T1 camera.  It was attached to my wrist all day with little thought to it.  It never felt bulky or in the way but most importantly, I always had it with me to shoot with.  This just emphasizes why I replaced my old Canon 5DkII with the X-T1; less weight, less bulk, and outstanding image quality.

Looking at it further, in October we took a trip to Florida which included three cities, a reunion, a birthday, a cruise, a wedding, a proposal, and of course Disney!  In reality this was my first long term test of the X-T1 as I would have it with me throughout.  Bottom line, the camera gets out of the way yet still has the ability to support my shooting.

Again, I'm not going to go into a formal review but in short, I love the camera.  For the majority of the time, I have it mated with the battery grip (mostly to help with longevity) and the XF 18-135 lens.  While the lens is a little large compared to the compactness of the camera, this makes for an excellent walkabout combo.  I really look forward to rounding out my lens collection in the future, but for now, I have few if any complaints. 
